As of tomorrow, Term 2 will be underway and most of you will have either received or will receive later today, the details for your child’s level remote learning from their teacher.
Each Year Level team have designed them together so there is consistency across the level. A number of teams are also going to conduct Q&A learning forums for parents to assist with any questions that you may have. The details of these forums will be included in their Compass note to you.
One of our issues is around the use of the use of the face to face platform we use. Before the term break, we were keen on using Zoom. Since then the Department has issued a statement saying their preference is for us to use Webex. The reason being that Webex is fully licensed and appropriately secure with data kept in Australia.
At our staff meeting this morning, we decided to transition to Webex from Zoom in our face to face contacts with students. This will occur during the week but to begin with some of the levels will still be using Zoom.
The details to download Webex will be sent out by Jenny Hutchinson (ICT Coordinator) by tomorrow.
At school, we will have a number of children who will be doing remote learning on site as they cannot access supervision at home. These children will be outside from 10.00 am -10.30am from 11.45am-12.30pm and from 2.00-2.30pm. We ask that families who are home not come onto the school site at those times, as we need to ensure our numbers are kept within the ratios and children are safe. Outside of those times, families are most welcome to use the oval.
I would also warn against using the play equipment. We are sanitizing it for the children at school prior to play but we cannot guarantee it outside the hours listed above.
Apart from that, I wish you all a wonderful Term 2. It will be different and we will be learning as we go. However, we are all excited by the opportunity to try new ways of learning. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards
Leanne Sheean